AFHA Rep information meeting Feb 19th 7:00 at ARC meeting room
AFHA Rep information meeting Feb 19th 7:00 at ARC meeting room
AFHA is holding an open meeting to discuss the rep program and all parents interested in rep hockey in our association should attend.
It will be an open discussion forum where the board will share info and then encourage an open and honest discussion amongst all parties to help shape a plan moving forward.
Some topics to be discussed:
– What is female rep hockey
– Past history of rep in AFHA
– Options for rep hockey going forward
If you have any interest in your daughter playing rep in the coming years this will be a great chance to shape that experience so please join us and have your voice heard.
This meeting is open to all and not limited to current association members, if you know someone who is not currently playing in our association but might be interested please encourage them to come.
Darcy Forcier
AFHA Association President
ph: 604-866-5125